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At this moment, none of us are all that we could be.

We can be more, we are made for more.

We are called by God to be more, by His strength.


The Catholic Military Association is by and for the UK Armed Forces.


We are formally recognised by the Catholic Church, the Ministry of Defence and the Charity Commission.


£5 pays for us to post Miraculous Medals to 2 new CMA Members

£10 could provide Rosaries and Prayer Guides to 3 UK troops

£15 p/m could allow us to buy a reliquary for the relics of a military saint

£20 p/m allows us to represent UK personnel to the Holy See by paying towards our Apostolat Militair International subs

Who we are and what we do.
WhatsApp Image 2020-05-26 at


We support UK Catholic military personnel, veterans and their immediate families.  We do this by:  

Those who devote themselves to the military service of their country should
regard themselves as the agents of security and freedom of peoples. As long as they
fulfil this role properly, they are making a genuine contribution to the establishment
of peace.

- 'Gaudium et Spes', Pt2 ChV


Supporting one another

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The Catholic Military Association of Our Lady of Victories is a UK registered charity #1205467

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"Prayer and quiet service are our victorious weapons"

- Pope Francis

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