Meet the
CMA Volunteers
The CMA is run entirely by volunteers, the majority of whom are serving. It was founded in 2017 with two 2Lts and is now a thriving organisation with 300 Members across all four services, ranging from Troops in Training to a 2* General.

Capt Francis Osborn
Trustee - Founder
Forces Connection: Serving in the AGC ETS, former HCav Trooper.

Cpl Jordan Marchant
Forces Connection: Serving in the British Army, formerly the Royal Navy.

Capt Alexander Fisher
Trustee - Founder
Forces Connection: Serving in the British Army

Sgt Kieran Quinn
Forces Connection: Serving in the Royal Marines
Can you offer your time and talents to the CMA?
We are always looking for volunteers.
Writer? Photographer? Editor? Influencer? Clerk? Administrator?
If you have something that you enjoy doing that you think could benefit the people the CMA serves, please email us.
Serve God whilst serving.
We currently have vacancies that we're particularly looking to fill in the following areas:
We're looking for robustly Catholic trustees, preferably from the RAF or Veteran. We are particularly interested in those who have legal or financial experience.
We need support with administrative tasks ranging from making up and posting Membership Packs, to writing policies and procedures.
Social Media Managers
Social media is one of the primary ways we get the word out about the CMA. We need creative and keen people to run existing and potentially set up new social media platforms.
Whilst these are voluntary, non-paid roles, serving volunteers are eligible for an Insert on their Annual Report.