An international body of proudly Catholic laymen who meet at least once a month in local units called Circles. They offer Serving CMA Members access to all Catnian events, and veteran CMA Members significant support and friendship.
Affiliated since August 2022
The Catenians

A group of Catholic Civil Servants, affiliated to the Christians in Government (CiG) Network, attempting to connect Catholics across the Civil Service in order to build our vision of a virtuous community in the workplace.
Connected since May 2021
Catholic Civil Service Group

The DCN is a unified, multi-denominational Christian Network for both military personnel and MOD Civil Servants. Its mission is ‘To connect, support and inspire Christians across Defence, make a Christian contribution to D&I and support the MOD’s engagement objectives by reaching out to Christians in wider society.’
Connected since Jan 2019
Defence Christian Network

Provides a fraternal environment through which members may exercise their professional roles and duties within the teachings of the Roman Catholic faith, provides spiritual guidance to Catholic employees and organises a monthly Mass that all can attend.
Connected since August 2021
Catholic Police Guild

Fiji Tri-Service Support Network champion the provision of welfare support to Fijian Service personnel in the UK Armed Forces, veterans and families, and the preservation of Fijian heritage. This includes Catholic heritage, and we link particularly with the Faith Pillar Lead.
Connected since Sept 2019
Fiji Tri-Service Support Network

CRS has supported others in its emergency efforts since 2014, by providing shelter, food and livelihood support for individuals and families displaced and affected by conflict, moving people who have been displaced to safe areas, as well as conflict‑affected residents in isolated settlements.
Connected since June 2019
Catholic Relief Service Ukraine

The John Bradburne Memorial Society was founded in order to help support Mutemwa Care Centre in Zimbabwe. It was set up in honour of it’s late warden, Servant of God John Bradburne who spent the last 10 years of his life from 1969 -1979 caring for the leprosy patients of Mutemwa. John Bradburne previously served in the British Army.
Connected since Nov 2020
John Bradburne Memorial Society

The Catholic Union of Great Britain's purpose is to advocate, express and uphold, by all proper and legitimate means, Catholic moral and spiritual principles and interests, and promote a Christian standpoint in public affairs, regardless of political parties and affiliations.
Connected since Sept 2022
Catholic Union of Great Britain