Join us as a Serving, Veteran or Associate Member.
Active Community
CMA community is fostered through pilgrimages, retreats, events (public and private) and chat groups. Make friends with likeminded individuals across the Forces and beyond. Iron Sharpens Iron. Once you join you will be sent a regular email newsletter with spiritual reflections and future events.
As one individual it can be hard to make your voice heard. We represent the interests of Serving and Veteran Catholics at the MOD level (through the Defence Christian Network), at the national level (through the National Council of Lay Association), and internationally and to the Holy See (through the Apostolat Militaire International and the Congregation for Laity, Family and Life).
Encouragement to Prayer
Prayer is the foundation of our service to God. We provide a free rosary to Serving Members, Miraculous Medals and Prayer Guides to all Members, and run regular military-specific novenas. You can also submit prayer requests anonymously any time.
Prayer for the dead is a serious responsibility, because getting to heaven is the main thing. Every November we pray for deceased veterans by name in a month-long prayer campaign, and we hold a public Requiem Mass for the Fallen. Also, if you do die in service, we will arrange a specific Requiem Mass for the repose of your soul. We've got you covered.
If you support the mission of the CMA (see below) you're absolutely welcome to join our community. Equally welcomed whether you haven't been to Mass in years, or pray the rosary daily.
SERVING MEMBERSHIP: Open to UK Regulars, Reserves, those in Initial Training, MPGS, MOD Police, MOD Guard Service, and MOD Civil Service, as well as URNU, OTC and UAS.
VETERAN MEMBERSHIP: Open to all those who were previously in one of the Serving Membership categories but have left the Force. Our Affiliation with The Catenians particularly supports Veterans.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: All who support our mission are welcome to apply as an Associate Member including family members, Catenians, Police Guild, and other civilian supporters
OTHER ARMED FORCES: The USA and Canada now have their own sister CMA organisations. Troops from other nations are welcome to join us as Associate Members.
Our Affiliation with The Catenians UK gives all CMA Members access to a wider Catholic network beyond the Forces.
CMA Members have open access to The Catenians' meetings, social and spiritual events.
CMA Veterans can access job/career advice, support and assistance, ranging from career discussions, help with CV writing and appropriate introductions across the UK and internationally through The Catenians when requested.
£5 pays for us to post Miraculous Medals to 2 new CMA Members
£10 could provide Rosaries and Prayer Guides to 3 UK troops
£15 p/m could allow us to buy a reliquary for the relics of a military saint
£20 p/m allows us to represent UK personnel to the Holy See by paying towards our Apostolat Militair International subs