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Our Lady of Victories

Sourced from Ukrainian Catholic Iconographers - reached the UK having survived live fire - now we need funds to install it in the Catholic Cathedral of the Bishopric of the Forces for veneration by serving personnel -

Be a part of this extraordinary story...

When the war in Ukraine started, we felt at a loss. How could we practically support those so far away? An answer came in prayer - commission an Icon of Our Lady of Victories.


We began discussing designs through our ACN intermediary, but then the line went cold. Our POC had been called up to Active Service. We prayed for him, and we waited. And sure enough, eventually plans picked up again and so we waited and hoped some more. Finally we were told that a box would soon be arriving from Ukraine, and the ACN thought that our Icon might be in it. We continued to wait and to pray and eventually it arrived.
The Icon of Our Lady of Victories had been written. It had even survived coming under fire in Ukraine when it was being transported out of the country. 
Although we haven't seen it yet, now that it's safely in the UK, we are preparing to have it installed for veneration in the Bishopric of the Forces Cathedral in Aldershot.

Such magnificent work comes at a price. This is your chance to be a part of this extraordinary story. A donation of just £10 will:

  •  help to install the world's first Icon of Our Lady of Victories for veneration at the Bishopric of the Forces Cathedral.

  • support the work of the Catholic Military Association as we do all that we can to bolster the faith of Catholics in the Armed Forces.

  • support the work of Aid to the Church in Need as they continue to minister to Christian communities in the most challenging environments

  • support the Ukrainians, whose faith and good work made this possible​






Donations will support the installation of this icon, as well as the Ukrainians who wrote it, the CMA and the ACN.

The Catholic Military Association of Our Lady of Victories is a UK registered charity #1205467

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"Prayer and quiet service are our victorious weapons"

- Pope Francis

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